Big Brother reindeer games, Big Brother Christmas: A Look Predictions for Season 25

Reindeer game

The wait is finally over, Big Brother Christmas is here! And with it comes the excitement of seeing past candidates return to the house for another chance at the grand prize. But before the season begins, it’s always fun to compare previous performance and make predictions for the upcoming season. With eight contestants returning for Season 25 of Big Brother, let’s take a closer look at their previous performances and what we can expect from them this year.

The contestants

Danielle Reyes – Season 3,7
Danielle Reyes is a Big Brother legend, and her performances in both Season 3 and Season 7 were memorable. In Season 3, she was a runner-up who should have won, but the jury made a bitter decision. In Season 7, she was a fierce competitor who won multiple competitions but was ultimately evicted in 5th place. Reyes’ cunning gameplay and quick thinking will be an asset in the house, but she also has a target on her back.

Britney Haynes – Season 12, 14
Britney Haynes is a fan favorite, known for her sarcastic humor and quick-wit. In Season 12, she won America’s Favorite Player and made it to the final four. In Season 14, she was once again a force to be reckoned with, but was eventually taken out by her close ally, Dan Gheesling. With her social game and strategic prowess, Britney has a great chance of making it far this season.

Josh Martinez – Season 19 winner
Josh Martinez was the Season 19 winner, and he played a strategic game that was often overshadowed by his outbursts and emotional moments. He was able to manipulate the house and make key alliances that helped him secure the win. However, he also rubbed many houseguests the wrong way, so it will be interesting to see how he navigates the game this time around.

Cody Calafiore – Season 22 winner
Cody Calafiore is the most recent winner of Big Brother, having taken home the prize just last year. He was a part of the powerful “Committee” alliance, which controlled the game and took out any threats. While he may have a disadvantage as people might see him as a significant threat, Calafiore’s experience and knowledge of the game make him one of the most formidable players this season.

Xavier Prather – Season 23 winner
Xavier Prather easily won Season 23 by using his athleticism and charm to his advantage. His social game was top-notch, and he was able to secure alliances and win multiple competitions. However, he also made moves that could be seen as controversial, such as using his ally, Tiffany Mitchell, to do his dirty work. It would be interesting to see how he will adjust his strategy this season.

Taylor Hale – Season 24 winner
Taylor Hale was the underdog during her season, but she surprised everyone by winning the final competition and taking home the grand prize. She was able to go under the radar and align with strong players, never making her a significant threat. Her social game skills will be useful this season, but she would need to step up her competition wins to survive.

Frankie Grande – Season 16
Frankie Grande is the older brother of pop star Ariana Grande and the Season 16 houseguest. His social game and strategic thinking allowed him to get far in the game, but his public persona sometimes overshadowed his gameplay. Unlike the rest of the contestants, Frankie has not won any competitions during his season. Thus, his gameplay will rely heavily on his social skills and ability to make alliances that do not view him as a threat.

Nicole Franzel – Season 18 winner
Nicole Franzel is another Big Brother legend, having played in Season 16 and emerged as the winner of Season 18. In both seasons, she was known for her emotional outbursts, but also for her strategic thinking. She was often underestimated but proved to be a formidable opponent. However, Nicole has also stirred some controversy, especially during her second season. She allied with Cody Calafiore, who ultimately evicted her, and it remains to see how she will adjust to the game this season.

Cameron Hardin – Season 25
Cameron Hardin is the only candidate from Season 25 who did not get to play the entire game. He was the first houseguest evicted, but his knowledge of the game earned him enough attention to be invited back for this season. While not much is known about him, his quick wit and strategic mindset will make him a potential dark horse in this season.


Big Brother Christmas is an exciting season, especially with eight seasoned houseguests returning to take on the game once more. While we cannot say for sure who will come out on top, it is clear that each houseguest has their strengths and weaknesses. It is going to be fascinating to see how these past houseguests adjust their gameplay and align with each other, making it a memorable season for Big Brother veterans and new fans alike.

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